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Welcome to Public 5 Health!

This website is a blog, I guess? But for me, it is more of a platform on which that I can share some of what I have learned while pursuing my undergrad and grad degrees as well as the multiple trainings that I've been through and some of the life experiences that I've had. Now you're probably like, woah, hold up! what life experience does this 25-year-old have for us? She's like a baby and she probably knows nothing about the real world. And I grant you that. I haven't been through it all or done all the things you probably have, but the healthcare system is kinda my jam. At least from the patient's perspective. But we'll get into that more later.

Now go read my bio! It's all the professional stuff I've done so far. Kinda like the cheap version of my resume, I'd say. I'll give you more here in my posts, too. But right now, let's start talking about how this "blog" is going to work.

I'm still a student, so some of my time is taken up by that and I'm hoping to get some sort of job (fingers crossed), so some postings might get irregular. However, I am hoping that I will be able to post every week, but for sure at least every other week. Also, I'll make notifications of posts on the page's Instagram, public5health, when they are up. Public5Health's Instagram will also be used for other updates and any stories I come across and feel like sharing. I will also be following other pages that I feel are good resources for information, so you can check that out, too.

This site is going to be collaborative! I want you to let me know if you see anything you want me to talk about, look into, or share on the site! The most important parts of knowledge come from working together and that's one of the things I want to reinforce here.


Tell me about public health stories you've heard about and tell me what you want to see more of!

© 2023 by Cora Naccarato. Proudly created with

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